Keep Your Facial Hair Clean And Well Groomed

We are going to talk of keeping a clean beard. There has been an argument concerning the hygiene of our lovely beards. Because of fresh reports manufactured by 7 news there are claims that the bacteria held in our beards are „as dirty as toilets!“

This improper and quite honestly frightening report has resulted in todays article all about maintaining a clean beard!

To be truthful there isn't anything complex to learn but when we grow a beard we don't think about keeping it healthy. We don't consider the quantity of bacteria it can retain when we eat, when we touch, when we kiss. Our face hair is constantly snowed under with dirt and mud. We have to start treating our facial hair as we’d every other part of our bodies and give it attention to keep it a clean beard.

Lets begin with our hands. You can not have a beard without putting your fingers through it, twirling it, grooming it and due to life we are exposed to bacteria through touch which is then moved to our hair. This is one of the biggest factors effecting a clean beard. So a simple solution is try keep you hands clean – you don’t have to be to obsessive but its an excellent start.

Shampoo as you would with your head hair because it is essential in keeping a clean beard. Wet your face first and delicately massage the shampoo into your beard with circular motions. This will clean the area and the massaging motions will also stimulate your follicles to grow the beard quicker and thicker

Rinse off with clean water and repeat the same with your conditioner to make your beard soft, glossy and irresistible. When drying off your beard, softly rub it down with a clean towel. Dont be to aggressive on your beard because it could cause redness on the skin so be delicate on your face hair fellows.

Eventually you need to maintain the conditioned beauty by using beard oil. This will lock in the moisture and stop the beard from getting dry providing the perfect environment for a fast growing, shiny beard. The beard oil is not only good for you hair but also for the skin. Your skin is trapped under the mound of hair so the beard oil will also give back essential moisture forestalling itchy, rash ridden skin.

That concludes our article on keeping your tuft clean hope you found it helpful.

Rawbeards is a website dedicated to giving you the tools and products needed to maintain an ideal beard. Hope that you found this text handy – If your looking for more advice then please feel free to visit our blog for more tips pertaining to your face hair.

Tools You Want To Maintain The Ideal Beard

To keep your facial hair looking good, either the beard or the tash, you need the right equipment. You want to groom and maintain your hair. If you disregard your facial piece then you'll be left with an over grown, smelly, tramp like abomination!

I doubt you want that, unless you aim to shock the kids on your street so here is the list of necessities.

1) Scissors

The main chosen weapon to keep your tash/beard in shape. Some people will only let professionals attend this job but for the DIY goers out there this is an excellent start. I would say invest in a good, solid pair or scissors. Its false ecconomy to purchase a inexpensive pair because they wont last, tough to get a respectable cut and the the intricate styling some people want just would not be possible with scissors from the pound shop!

You should try to get a collection of steel scissors owned by pros. The blades are longer and quite thin making it easy to get a good cut for any desired style. A decent pair of scissors will last and give you a close cut without leading to trouble or Problems for your skin.

2) The brush

This has 2 main functions. The first is to keep your beard or tash groomed like your head hair you need to keep it brushed. Your not running a wild life sanctuary so keep it in order! You need to aim to get a wide toothed brush for your beard and a fine toothed comb for the moustache.

The second main purpose is to aid in cutting. Brush you facial hair along and cut along the brush at the required length to get an even, smooth cut. Extremely helpful tool.

3) Brush

A thick wired brush is useful for men with the bushy, big beards or moustache. Its ideal to keep the fuzzy area’s well cared for and quite a fast satisfactory way to keep it under control. Not as essential as the scissors or brush but still quite useful especially if you use product like styling wax.

4) Clippers/trimmers

Scissors are essential but unfortunately they can only do so much. If you'd like to shape or style your beard then clippers are pretty handy. Most (if not all) clippers have an adaptable length guide so you are guaranteed the desired length and with the option to remove the guard you can get a close cut when needed. The clippers also give the chance to cut borders for the you beard, an example being the beard strap.

The trimmers are essential if your going for a particular style but also required if in a rush. It is easy to get a good, consistent cut in half the time making this a very helpful tool in your armory.

5) Beard Oil

This is the tool you use if you'd like to keep your beard moisturised, clean and smelling amazing! Not only does it keep you beard fresh but it will also stop your skin underneith from getting dry which permits your skin to keep manufacturing the face hair we all love. Beard oil is a fine addition to your arsenal of tools

These are the essential tools wanted to keep your beard or moustache maintained.

Raw Beards is a site devoted to keeping you and your facial piece fantastic. We have the info, tools and products wanted to maintain your tuft and keep it all under contriol. If you found this work helpful then please come and visit our blog and join our community.

Finding The Right Beard For You

Ok so everyone knows that growing a beard isn’t complicated however there are a couple of things you need to think about before you get on with it. When deciding to grow a beard you must also think about other factors – this is what this article is all about.

When growing a beard you want it to compliment you and your face. The most important thing we are going to think about is the size and shape of your head and how to grow a beard with what you've got. We all have different heads with different shapes and sizes. To make best with what you have we’re going to start by choosing a beard to suit your facial shape. We have got a few ideal decisions here:

Long faced man

If you are a man bearing a long face then you might want to consider a beard thats fuller on the sides. This will create the impression of a rounder face because the emphasis is taken away by your beard style. If you had a goatee it would only draw attention to your long face (not that thats an issue men.) The mutton chops would help balance the shape of your face if thats what you want.

Round faced man

Again we are working with similar beliefs as before – if you grow face hair which is longer on the chin, It'll stretch out your face and make a more even impression. So where the Goatee may seem a terrible idea for the longer faced man, its a good selection for you round heads out there. Less prominent on the sides and more about the chin area.

Square face

Same as the round face you can aim to have less on the sides and longer on the chin area. This will give more emphasis on the length of your face. A sensible choice may be an anchor or the duck tail.

Oval face

If you've got the pleasure of bearing an oval shaped face then you are a lucky man. Any beard or tash style will work with you, the world is your oyster! There isn't anything stopping you so you have free reign.

The final thing is to think about is the size of you face. If you have a big face then ensure you have a giant beard and tash to match! You need a full, thick beard with a thick moustache because anything tiny will only make you head look big. If you have a small head, again think tiny – anything big could make you look like a pea head so keep it on a small scale.

These are all only suggestions to consider when choosing your beard style, just ideas to take full advantage of your face and help narrow your decision. Choose any style you want but hopefully this will give you a guide on where to start. Whatever you choose just let it grow!?

I'm Blaine Gray, Creator and founder of Rawbeards. Raw beards is the perfect place for you to find the info and products you need to make you Beard superb. Visit our website today for information, beard oil or merely idea’s. Thank you for reading and we hope you found the information helpful.